How to slice ginseng roots at home

Method #1: Using a Countertop Oven

 Countertops oven


  1. Preheat your countertop oven to 350 F.
  2. Place the ginseng roots on a cookie pan and heat them up for about 5 minutes. You should be able to bend them easily.
  3. Now, slice the roots using a sharp knife while they’re still warm. If it’s too hard to slice, heat them up again.


**Pros:** No need to dry up the slices after slicing.

**Cons:** It might be a bit harder to slice.


Method #2: Using a Kitchen Steamer


Kitchen steamer



  1. Let’s get started! First, preheat your steamer to the boiling point.
  2. Then, place the ginseng roots on a steamer rack and let them steam for about 4 minutes. You’ll know they’re ready when they can be bent easily.
  3. Now, grab a sharp knife and slice those roots while they’re still warm.
  4. Next, spread the slices on a cookie sheet and let them air dry for at least 24 hours.


**Pros:** This method gives you the best results for smoother slices.

**Cons:** You’ll need to let the slices air dry, which can take a while.



**Warning:** Ginseng roots can get really hot when they’re heated, so be careful not to burn yourself!